YCAP Energy Services

LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
LIHEAP is available to customers that meet the income guidelines.  Assistance may be directed to the primary heat source in the home. Applications are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. Application packets are anticipated to be available the first week of October for households having either a senior (60 or older) and/or disabled household member(s). Pending funding availability, general public households will be placed on a referral list starting in December and follow the department’s application release processes. Applications will continue to be accepted through the heating season until all funds have been utilized.  

For additional questions or to be placed on the referral list, please call 503-687-1480

OEAP (Oregon Energy Assistance Program)
PGE customers only. Appointments available.
To request an appointment, please call 503-687-1483. A limited number of appointments are available each week. Calls are processed first come, first served. OEAP qualifying criteria includes income eligibility. Priority status may be given to households with no power, medical equipment or a shut-off notice. YCAP receives a monthly allocation to serve a limited number of households.

OLGA (Oregon Low-Income Gas Assistance)
NWNG customers only. Appointments available
To request an application or appointment, please call 503-687-1483. Applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted. OLGA qualifying criteria includes income eligibility and an active account with NWN.  YCAP receives a monthly allocation to serve a limited number of households.  Once these funds are spent, applications may be placed on a list until additional funding becomes available.